Faces of Us

The story of Project Worthmore is the story of a community refusing, again and again, to turn its back on those in need.

Finding dignity in English class

Every class starts with a conversation question. Today it was: Did you ever meet your great grandparents? It gave me a chance to introduce the word great in a new context. It also provided a space for them to share more about their lives, if they wanted.

A Mother’s Hands, an essay by Erika Bodor

A mother’s hands are magic. They heal pain. They are tiny homes in this big world, and when the world feels too big, a mother’s hands become even bigger.A mother’s hands are refuge.

The Boundaries of Empathy (are non-existent), an essay by Skye Savage

We begin with introductions. We state our names, where we come from, and how long we’ve been in Denver, always careful to emphasize proper English structures. Contractions, idioms, phrasal verbs, all of these are carefully extracted from our speech. The volunteers and teachers, including myself, distill endless amounts of nuance and data into simple sentences….

Finally, An Evening ESL Class!

Denver Presbyterian Church recently approached us with the offer to fund an evening ESL class. We gladly accepted! The community has been asking for an evening class since we began teaching ESL, but we haven’t had the funds available to make it a reality. Denver Pres has also provided us with volunteers to assist in…