Home Visits: Notes From Siri

Home visits are a huge part of how we welcome families and give care to their needs. We thought it might be an enlightening experience to read some of Siri’s notes from the field as he is visiting families and documenting his visits.

1. Karenni Family – The dad is still working at the meat packing plant in Greeley.  Everybody is doing good, the kids start school next month. His daughter called me this evening about a woman (who told them she’s a landlord) that came into their house and asked them to leave. So they were really afraid. I talked with the lady on the phone before I went to their house. When I got there she was gone. We found out she’s a crazy homeless woman who just came into their house, asked them to leave and took the house key. So I told them, next time don’t let strangers come into your house.

2. Karenni Family – The dad is working at the meat packing plant in Greeley. They got a letter from Adams County a couple weeks ago saying their food assistance application had been denied because they didn’t send the information that was asked for. So I called the Adam’s County office and found out they can reapply. So I reapplied for food stamps for them. Hopefully they would get the food stamps again. They have Medicaid and are happy when I come to visit and help them.
3. Karen  family – The dad has to go to the hospital three times a week. His wife got a job last month and she’s working enough hours. His oldest daughter is still working at the same job. All benefits are current. So they are doing good, and the kids will start going to school this month.
4. Burmese family – The dad is working at the meet packing plant and he wants to change jobs and work at the pallet factory. He has some friends who work there so I told him to go to the pallet factory by himself. His wife and kids are doing good. She came to our office to get some veggies yesterday. All assistance is current.
5. Chin Family – They arrived two weeks ago. The husband is attending ESL class but the wife doesn’t go because they don’t have a babysitter. She wants to come to our ESL class, so I took her to show her where class is. Hopefully she will start coming to ESL class soon. They are getting TANIF but they don’t know how much they are getting. They don’t have food stamps yet. I will check in on this family often.
6. Karen family – They are doing good. Two of his daughters come to our art classes and most of PWM’s activities. His wife is still working at a casino as a dish washer. She got a letter from Adams County that her medicaid will end this month. So I reapplied for her medicaid, hopefully it will work.
7. Chin Family – this is a new family, they just came from Malaysia a couple months ago. Frank, I think you would remember this family, you, your nephew and I visited them recently. She is a single mom with four kids. She asked me to find a sponsor for her. Can you find a sponsor for her family?
8.Burmese Family – They just arrived from Malaysia. (39 year old) Male (37 year old) female. They have been here three weeks. I gave them 2 bags of rice from our office. I will check on them often.
Notes from Siri, Translator & Home Visitor
#home-visits, #mentoring, #refugees

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