Sui Hal

For Sui Hal learning English was an important step in the long journey to finding freedom, independence, and self-sufficiency in America.

Sui Hal was one of the first students in the Project Worthmore English program. When she arrived in 2009, Sui Hal and her husband were caring for their 14 year old nephew who lost both his parents to the conflict in Burma; as well as their own 8 month old son and 3 year old daughter.

Sui Hal from Project Worthmore on Vimeo.

Learning English provides Dignity, Jobs and Quality of Life

Attempting to communicate every day needs like asking for directions become very difficult without knowing English. A refugee can start to feel incapable and depressed. Finding a good paying job becomes almost impossible. Refugees need the opportunity to become self-sufficient, independent, and confident in themselves. This is why learning English is so important.

#english, #esl, #refugees

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