Support Colorado Refugees in this Critical Time

Abdul Alkekhai and his wife Fatima Monla Ali are two new students in our English program. They arrived from Syria three months ago. One of their daughters remains behind, now unable to join them.

“I am tears,” Fatima said in English, showing a trail down her cheeks.

Raised $1,203 of $5,000

This week, we have been dedicating our efforts to spending extra time with our clients like Abdul and Fatima – refugees who have been forced to flee their homes, their families, their culture, and their country. We are taking extra time to listen to their fears, to stand by them as they mourn, to answer their questions about what’s ahead, and to help them navigate the implications of recent legislation on their families, including new realities of being further separated from their loved ones.

Project Worthmore was founded on the elegantly simple belief that all human beings deserve to be treated with dignity.

As we continue to experience the largest forced migration crisis in history, we remain steadfast in our efforts to ensure that refugees can live a dignified life here in Colorado. We want them to fully know they are supported, safe, and welcome.

Amidst threats to our building and clients, and the implications of new legislation, your support is critical right now to ensure that Project Worthmore can continue to be a safe and welcome place for refugees. Your monthly giving ensures our programs and services continue to operate while other sources of funding may be threatened.

Help us increase our monthly donations by $5,000 by February 22nd!

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